Latte Chill music blog. Chill out albums, free chill songs and chill DJ sets, videos and other chill stream goodies.


13 uses of chill music - especially instrumental ones

1 - learning or studying
2 - working at the office
3 - slowing down before sleep
4 - maintaining your cool on public transport and in crowd
5 - chatting with mates
6 - cooking
7 - using as bgm in your cafe/restaurant/hostel or hotel
8 - ringtones
9 - creating an elegant/luxury aura at a place
10 - sharing it on social media
11 - using as bgm for Insta Stories, short videos
12 - listening while reading
13 - loving them :)


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 Dear Fans, given the fact Blogger is failed to support me with some basic functions - I was forced to move this blog to a new place. I keep...